WSASCD Clock Hours
While WSASCD has dissolved, we will still continue to honor past Clock Hours that have been granted through the organization in accordance to WAC 181-85-205, these records will be kept for "seven calendar years from the date of each in-service education program."
Note that there are three requirements for clock hours:
1. You must have physically signed into the event
2. The event evaluation and feedback must be completed.
3. The Clock Hour application and attestation must be completed.
Please click on the event you attended below and follow the steps.
If an event is not listed, then the event is no longer eligible for clock hours.
Note: Please be patient with volunteers who are watching for these requests. Please allow 2-3 weeks for a response!
Events eligible for Clock Hours:
WSASCD Washington Educator Conference | July 17-18 in Tacoma, WA
Character Strong '24 National PREConference | July 23 in Tacoma, WA
Character Strong '24 National Conference | July 24-25 in Tacoma, WA
Character Strong MTSS Conference | July 26-27 in Seattle, WA
WSASCD Whole Child Institute | May 6 in Tacoma, WA
Character Strong '23 National Conference | July 28-29 in Tacoma, WA
Character Strong Regional Conference | Oct. 10 in Puyallup, WA
WSASCD Whole Educator Leadership Institute | Nov. 4-5 in Tacoma, WA
WSASCD Teaching with Empathy Book Study | Jan. 31, Feb. 7, 15, 21, 28 (virtual)
WSASCD Whole Child Institute | Feb. 26 (virtual)
WSASCD New Teacher Institute | May. 10 + 17 (virtual)
Character Strong '22 National Conference | Aug. 12-13 in Tacoma, WA
WSASCD Teaching with Empathy Book Study | Jan. 31, Feb. 7, 15, 21, 28 (virtual)
WSASCD What is Equity/Justice? & Why Race? | Feb. 23 & 25 (virtual)
WSASCD Inclusive Mathematics | May 31 (virtual)
WSASCD What is Equity/Justice? & Why Race? | Feb. 23 & 25 (virtual)
WSASCD Conflict Resolution | Nov. 11 (virtual)
ASCD PD Online: STEM for All
June 15, 2020 - June 4, 2021 (virtual)
ASCD PD Online: Next Generation Science Standards
June 15, 2020 - June 4, 2021 (virtual)
Character Strong Regional Conference | Oct. 11 in Spokane, WA
WSASCD Supporting and Engaging Students in Math Thinking and Discourse Remotely | Oct. 21 (virtual)
WSASCD Equity Series | Sept. 26, Oct. 17, and Nov. 7 (virtual)
Character Strong: Building Safe and Positive School Cultures | Aug. 17-18 in Spokane, WA
WSASCD Learning Loop | Sept. 12, Sept. 19, and Oct. 3 (virtual)
Description: Facilitating powerful conversations, monitoring learner progress, and crafting space for facilitating effective virtual professional learning.
WSASCD Supporting Exceptional Learners in a Virtual Environment | Aug. 13 (virtual)
Description: Facilitating powerful conversations, monitoring learner progress, and crafting space for facilitating effective virtual professional learning.